The official
tertiary credentials platform
Governed & operated by participating New Zealand & Australian education providers.

My eQuals is a single source of truth accepted all over the world
Credentials issued through My eQuals are authentic, tamper-evident and legally valid. Accepted internationally and with every major New Zealand and Australian university participating, My eQuals is the trusted platform for viewing, sharing and verifying tertiary credentials.
90 Providers
Across Australia & New Zealand
3 Million
Learner accounts created
135 Countries
Accepting verified records
My eQuals making tertiary credentials easy to view, share and verify
My eQuals is New Zealand and Australia’s official tertiary credentials platform for universities, TAFEs and tertiary education providers. It makes it easy for Education Providers, Learners and Verifiers to view, share and verify certified tertiary credentials online.

My eQuals for Providers
My eQuals provides universities, vocational education and registered training organisations with an easy, secure place to issue & manage tertiary credentials for learners.
Find out how to register your interest

My eQuals for Learners
My eQuals offers students, graduates and alumni an easy and secure environment to view and share their certified tertiary credentials online, anywhere, anytime.
Create your My eQuals account

My eQuals for Verifiers
My eQuals allows verification agencies, employers and recruitment professionals to easily receive and verify tertiary credential claims online, anywhere, anytime.
Find out how to register your interest
100% Trusted
By the higher education sector
10 Million
Academic records issued
8.5 Million
Learner records shared

“My eQuals is a tool we now can’t live without. It’s critical and greatly saves us time in issuing documents, leading to faster and better student and graduate experience.”
Mirna Bitar, Associate Director, Completions, Awards and Graduations at RMIT University